Little Snowshoe

LittleSnowshoe_AnniversaryLogoLittleSnowshoe_CoverFrontLITTLE SNOWSHOE (1984)
Written by Ellen Bryan Obed
Illustrated by William Ritchie
Breakwater Books Ltd.

30th anniversary edition (2014)

Available from Amazon


The universal theme of a child and mother being separated and reuniting appears in countless books for young children. This time it comes in the northern Labrador setting of “snow snowing on the snow” and tightly-packed spruce forest. A young arctic hare is looking for its mother. Snow-covered rock, a partridge (willow ptarmigan) in the thicket, a bucket turned upside-down, a clump of old grass…‘Bumpity, bumpity, bumpity, BUMP! “This is not my mommy…”’

A child’s first lessons in camouflage.

Exceptional pen and ink illustrations accurately detail the arctic hare with its characteristic long legs and long black-tipped ears in its subarctic habitat.




PRAISE FOR Little Snowshoe

Canadian Children’s Book Centre Our Choice Award, 1985

Third Prize in Book Design
Alcuin Society Citation Competition
Vancouver, B.C., 1989

LILLE SNEHVID (Danish translation)
Forlaget Alma, 1984

Paper sculpture by France Pillière

Photo credit: Ghislaine Friesen

France is a Canadian artist who focuses her practice on her passion: the plant and animal world. Apart from a few bronzes, all her sculptures are made out of recycled paper. Her work can be seen at Gallery 78 in Fredericton, New-Brunswick, and at Les Trois Bouleaux in Magog, Québec. It can also be viewed on her website